Yeeka Yau

University mathematics educator at The University of Sydney. Previously, I was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics & Statistics at The University of North Carolina Asheville, NC, USA and a Visiting Assistant Professor at Furman University, SC, USA. Prior to that, I was a Postdoc at The University of Sydney, where I also completed my PhD in 2021. My advisor was James Parkinson.

Email: yeeka dot yau @ sydney dot edu dot au


My primary professional focus is to provide outstanding mathematics instruction and to enrich students' learning journey in mathematics courses. I enjoy teaching at all levels and helping to make the joy of mathematics accessible to as many people as possible. In particular, I strive to create a learning environment which is supportive, inclusive and encourages students to connect with mathematics technically, socially and emotionally. In my current role as a part of the Learning Hub (mathematics) group, I am teaching the following supplementary learning tutorials: At UNCA, in the Fall 2023, I taught:

Research Interests

My research interests are in Coxeter groups, Hecke algebras, algebraic combinatorics and connections between group theory and automata theory. Recently, I have also developed an interest in historical cryptology.

Here is my CV.

Papers and Preprints

A pair of Garside shadows.
(P. Przytycki, Y. Yau)
To appear in Algebraic Combinatorics (2023) (pdf)

An artificial neural network approach to finding the key length of the Vigenère cipher.
(C. Millichap, Y. Yau)
Cryptologia (2023) (pdf)

Modifying twist algorithms for determining the key length of a Vigenère cipher.
(C. Millichap, Y. Yau, A. Pate and M. Carns)
Cryptologia (2023) (pdf)

Cone types, automata, and regular partitions in Coxeter groups.
(J. Parkinson, Y. Yau)
Advances in Mathematics, vol 398 (2022) (pdf)

Coxeter Systems for which the Brink-Howlett automaton is minimal.
(J. Parkinson, Y. Yau)
Journal of Algebra, Volume 527, June 2019, p437-446 (2019) (pdf) Online Publication


Automatic Structures for Coxeter Groups
(Y. Yau)
Phd Thesis University of Sydney (2021) (University Library Link)

Emmie Maelee and Maisie Shae
(C. Yau, Y. Yau)
(Work in progress) (Link)

Some Code and Web Applications